We are pleased to report that our disbursements increased during 2015 over the previous year by $45.5K. As always, our goal is to assist as many special children as possible and we are happy that there was not a single request which we were unable to fulfil. 

Physio and occupational therapy are key to the overall well-being of brain-injured children and too often these services cannot be afforded by the parents or caregivers.   Hence the Trust started a Home Therapy program back in 2013 and during the past year approximately 25 children received ongoing therapy and a total of 465 home visits were made by our therapists. These visits deal with improving or maintaining certain functionality, preventing contractures which is significant to maintaining posture, alignment and tolerance for sitting and standing when using adaptive equipment such as wheelchairs or standing frames. Chest Physical Therapy is given when necessary to facilitate airway clearance and optimal oxygenation of the lungs and vital organs – something most of us take for granted when we breathe normally every day.

Unfortunately therapists are lacking on the island and as such, there are only so many children we can help each week. For that reason the Trust facilitated our second Intensive Clinic whereby three therapists are brought in from Pediatric Intensive in Florida for two weeks of intensive therapy sessions with as many children as they can see while providing valuable information and teaching to our local therapists. The results are so amazing and the caring and dedicated way in which these therapists work with the children brings such joy and of course relief to them. The overall cost of this intensive was approximately $50K.

The other area which saw a significant increase in financial support are the medical tests especially MRI’s which cost $1750 for the test as well as associated fees for the doctor and sedation. As such, parents are unable to afford to pay for these services which are critical to the finding an accurate diagnosis for their child as only then, can the correct treatment be recommended and implemented.   

Other support included our ongoing monthly pamper drive, transportation, medications etc, all of which are critical to the children’s quality of life.

Because of Jenna Trust Respite Centre
In closing, we wish to make special mention of our collaboration with the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust and the Thelma Vaughan Memorial Home. We are pleased to report that our Memorandum of Understanding with the Thelma Vaughan Memorial Home has been finalised and thanks to the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust, the building is well underway with an anticipated completion date during the third quarter of 2017. SLCT were instrumental in “marrying” our charity with the TVH to meet similar needs and to jointly enhance the work of both charities.   Additionally, SLCT have pledged to outfit the centre with the necessary equipment in order to facilitate the functionality of such a respite centre. The Trust will then provide staff to manage the facility and the children and young adults who will benefit from this respite; these will include the residents of the TVH who will be rostered into weekly sessions.