Our report for 2013 is indicative of the Trust's continued growth in terms of overall financial support for the severely challenged children and young adults in Barbados. For the first time ever we disbursed over $300,000 for the year in review, which means that we surpassed 2012's expenditure by almost $64,000.
The Home Therapy program (detailed in the financials as Physiotherapists' Fees) showed the most growth and this has been a realization of one of our goals, that is, to provide more therapy for the children at home mainly because the Albert Cecil Graham Development Centre can only see a certain number of children weekly and cannot therefore provide the level of physiotherapy required. As such, we were fortunate to find physiotherapists who are willing to work on the Home Program on Saturdays in an effort to fill some of these gaps. These Saturday sessions have proved to be extremely beneficial for the children. Our orthopedic support also increased significantly due to more evaluations and surgeries thanks to the team at ACGDC and Dr Jose Collazo.
Wheelchair Clinics, again thanks to the team at the ACGDC and Mr Kike Toro, continue to provide tremendous relief to the children who require wheelchairs and who make up the majority of our beneficiaries.
We are continuing to pursue our dream of providing a respite centre for the children and to this end, we are working through some necessary protocols in an effort to make this a reality.